As if I didn't have enough to mock in life, people keep emailing me this stuff. Whatever. This first one is from KylerMartyn, once again:
I am emailing this to you solely so that you will have *some*thing for "Mailbag Thursday" and not be too disappointed.
...Um, so, hi.
My birthday is in 27 days!!!! Yay! I'll be 15!!
...wait, maybe I should say something stupid so that you have something to make fun of and then your blog readers won't be too disappointed. Umm, hmm, what's something stupid to say? I'm sure you'll come up with something to make fun of in this whole email anyway. You have a way of making things stupid that weren't stupid. So I guess I'll just quit talking then. :P
Happy Thursday, blog readers!
Well, thank God for you, Kyler. You know, I actually WAS going to be disappointed. I mean, every time I check my mailbox, I get emails from Sears, JCPenney, Linksys, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I didn't sign up for. So imagine how thankful I was to get your insightful, INTERESTING message, that had so much to say! And with such purpose behind it as well!
Blah blah blah... birthday... you know, I was just about to make a comment on how these other people were trying (indirectly) to get me to buy something. Then I didn't, and now I wish I had. So tell me Kyler, what do you want for your birthday? Hmm? Well, that's too bad, because I'm not buying you anything! HA! You'll get a wall post on Facebook, IF you're lucky. More likely I'll just sit on the internet in class all day and "forget" to do that much. Why bother?
Oh, and I really like this sentence: ...wait, maybe I should say something stupid so that you have something to make fun of and then your blog readers won't be too disappointed. Oh, we're all disappointed, but not because of a lack of stupidity, Kyler. You claim I have a way of making things stupid when they weren't stupid, and I just say that you're too dumb to notice how stupid it was in the first place.
Man, thank God I only have one crazy person emailing me per week. Because as if the general dumbness of life wasn't bad enough, one of you feels the need to actually direct their stupidity at me. Now, I'm going to go to my nice clean email box and...
OK, who told who that I needed a second message for the week? Ugh. This one comes at you from BeyondTheFail. Argh.
Okay, Sam, time for some commentary, this one from MY point of view.
I started the planning for the Fall Festival thinking "Okay, I'll only be dealing with older kids that have some sense of rhythm when running a rhythm game". So, I got the nice dance mats from my friend, thinking I'd deal with competent people during it.
Wrong. And I am NOT mommy.
Let me explain. About 80% of the people who played were under the age of 10. The only people who weren't under the age of 10 were a teenager who was attempting to get the game herself, so she wanted to play it and see how she liked it, and the woman who helped out the most with the children's church. 1 of these kids decided to start hitting his sister (so it appeared), so I told him that, if he kept it up, he wouldn't get to play the game. He hits his sister again. I tell him he doesn't get a turn. He pouts. I don't budge. I have to stay firm, otherwise the kids would do whatever they want!
This is why I don't want kids. I barely had the patience to deal with little kids who happen to enter the room I was in, let alone having kids of my own. I especially have issue when they're trying to get under your skin and they're RELATED to you. My brother..."They're staring at each other!" My thoughts: "So? Is there a problem with this?"
*sigh* I don't like kids. I don't want them. I'd rather be the crazy aunt who spoils a sibling's kids and then sends them home.
Yeah, well, you certainly have crazy down. Is that your point of view, by the way? Crazy? I can only assume that's your point of view, because everyone who will talk to me has apparently LOST THEIR MIND. I mean, come on. You expected to be working with older kids... on a children's outreach activity? Really? Older kids are out pretending they're old enough to go on dates, or older still, actually DOING things on a Saturday! They certainly aren't coming with their parents to random church events! And from this we see that yes, you ARE crazy. You attempted to get a bunch of brats who could barely even tie their shoes to play a game that, by definition, requires RHYTHM. Ya senseless dork. At least you figured out that you aren't mommy, that one must have been difficult because most people can't remember whether they've given birth or not at some point. (I know I haven't!)
So you stopped the kids from hitting each other. That's good, but really, I don't think you took it far enough. Perhaps you should have gone out and perpetrated some violence yourself, you know? Take the brat who's doing violence and drop kick him, teach him a lesson, because if you don't beat up small children, they won't cower before you as is proper. (Oh, and for any paranoid types, or employers, or that federal agent we have out there in the stands: the name of this blog is Samcasm. If you seriously think, based off of that, that I am advocating violence, against children or otherwise, you should probably hit alt+F4, which will bring up my advanced refutation of your silliness. You might think alt+F4 closes the window, but because of blogger's advanced dynamic AJAX coding, it has some different functionality here. Give it a try!)
At least you got it right that your brother is insane. But I mean, come on, wanting to be the crazy aunt? You sound like you're on the fast track for some guy who'll just be dying to help you fulfill the "I have lost my grip on life" dynamic, and I do not want to see that guy, because it's looking to be some nerd who sits around eating chex mix and writing angry things on the internet. You know, the type of hopeless joker who doesn't think anything but blue jeans and t-shirts are necessary and actually sits around playing board games on Friday night, like some space nerd version of Risk or something- and willingly opts to do this instead of going out with a girl. Man, what kind of dork does stuff like that?
Certainly not me, that's for sure. So, email me at and you'll get shredded to pieces next week too, while making me slowly hate humanity even more.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Small kids should all go away
Last Saturday I woke up feeling fantastic. I had the day off work, and I'd be spending the entire day with my girlfriend. Awesome! There was just one small catch: I had to work with small children for two hours. I hate kids, but this would be OK because I was running video games. Piece of cake, right? I'm an expert on this stuff, spent most of my life playing them and researching them, how bad could running and even playing them be for that small piece of time?
You want to know why there hasn't been any Samcasm for the better part of a WEEK? Because I simply didn't have the energy! After I got done with that experience, I proceeded to take a nap, or at least try to. Arrgh. That got messed up too, on multiple occasions. You know what started this? One of the ADULTS started this. I was supposed to be running a simple game of Mario Kart. Easy to understand, even if you're horrible at Mario Kart it's at least fun to watch whatever sap picked Wario die when a full-blown car runs over him. And I specifically mean Wario. Because what did I end out running instead of Mario Kart? Warioware.

Not exactly a role model for children, IS he? Well, at this point, actually...
For those of you who've never played WarioWare, you'll probably consider yourself fortunate. It's fun, but not to teach newcomers constantly for 2 hours! Essentially, it's composed of a bunch of games that are all over within 5 seconds- so within that space of time, you have to figure out the rules of what to do, and DO it, before the game fails you. Hey, I can deal with that. You'll fail a number of times even if you're good at games. But you have fun!
UNLESS YOU'RE PLAYING IT WITH KIDS. Kids get frustrated at even the simplest play mechanics when they have a full minute to grasp them, and that's if they're playing ONE game. Try giving them a new game every 10 seconds, and no matter how simple, they'll get frustrated and quit. Or sit there and complain.
So after about two hours of trying to explain to the kids that this game isn't meant to be explained, and them getting frustrated when you can't explain everything within half a second, and then watching them drop the controllers....
Oh, my precious controllers. You are the connection to the system that brought me so much joy. All those years of staying home on Friday nights while even my best friend left me for his girl... actually, during that time period he was just leaving AIM to play Empire Earth, so I guess I wasn't any better... and... so many good games... and those little brats kept DROPPING YOU! GAHHH! IS THERE ANY RESPECT ANYMORE FOR THE FANTASTIC LITTLE PIECES OF HARDWARE THAT RUN OUR LIVES? DOES ANYONE EVEN REALIZE WHAT THESE CONTROLLERS DO FOR US? FOR CONTROLLERS HAVE GIVEN US A WAY TO PLAY MARIO KART, AND STAR FOX, AND EVEN WING COMMANDER, ALTHOUGH THAT'S MORE OF A JOYSTICK THING! I LOVE YOU, CONTROLLERS! AND I'M SORRY I LET SMALL KIDS DROP YOU!
OK, where we? Oh yeah. So we finally get done after these kids as well as this game have formed the combination to hell and sapped me of all my powers. We all go back to her house and pass out. Or try to. Then her brother comes out and starts swinging around a lightsaber and stuff, trying to get me to fight him. GAH! Look. You are not a Jedi, and if you were I would have already cut off all your limbs, because if these were real lightsabers, I would have hit you in every area possible, so how are you still swinging a lightsaber? OK, whatever. So he's still hyper, maybe we shouldn't have given him the cookie. Everyone gets up, and it's time for a hayride at... some place with hay.
"They're staring at each other!" Yes... yes we are, kid... and perhaps you should be glad, because- "they're just looking into each other's eyes!" the ONLY THING keeping me from snapping is the fact that she's around. So the last thing I need is some John Madden wannabe giving me the play-by-play on my life. Because you know, I think the only two people who care if I'm looking at your sister are- "They're just looking at each other!"
"He seems annoyed, I wonder why?"
That last quote was something I made up. But it's close enough. Sigh. So on the way home from this hayride, he falls asleep on my shoulder. I lean over a little for some reason, he does too, now I can't go into an upright position because he's leaning on me, so I just stay there and get this crick in my back because I can't move and I'm in an unnatural position...
I'm just too lazy to care anymore at this point, because anyone under the age of 10 obviously has it in for me today. So I give up and reach for my cell phone to just dial the chiropractor...
You want to know why there hasn't been any Samcasm for the better part of a WEEK? Because I simply didn't have the energy! After I got done with that experience, I proceeded to take a nap, or at least try to. Arrgh. That got messed up too, on multiple occasions. You know what started this? One of the ADULTS started this. I was supposed to be running a simple game of Mario Kart. Easy to understand, even if you're horrible at Mario Kart it's at least fun to watch whatever sap picked Wario die when a full-blown car runs over him. And I specifically mean Wario. Because what did I end out running instead of Mario Kart? Warioware.

Not exactly a role model for children, IS he? Well, at this point, actually...
For those of you who've never played WarioWare, you'll probably consider yourself fortunate. It's fun, but not to teach newcomers constantly for 2 hours! Essentially, it's composed of a bunch of games that are all over within 5 seconds- so within that space of time, you have to figure out the rules of what to do, and DO it, before the game fails you. Hey, I can deal with that. You'll fail a number of times even if you're good at games. But you have fun!
UNLESS YOU'RE PLAYING IT WITH KIDS. Kids get frustrated at even the simplest play mechanics when they have a full minute to grasp them, and that's if they're playing ONE game. Try giving them a new game every 10 seconds, and no matter how simple, they'll get frustrated and quit. Or sit there and complain.
So after about two hours of trying to explain to the kids that this game isn't meant to be explained, and them getting frustrated when you can't explain everything within half a second, and then watching them drop the controllers....
Oh, my precious controllers. You are the connection to the system that brought me so much joy. All those years of staying home on Friday nights while even my best friend left me for his girl... actually, during that time period he was just leaving AIM to play Empire Earth, so I guess I wasn't any better... and... so many good games... and those little brats kept DROPPING YOU! GAHHH! IS THERE ANY RESPECT ANYMORE FOR THE FANTASTIC LITTLE PIECES OF HARDWARE THAT RUN OUR LIVES? DOES ANYONE EVEN REALIZE WHAT THESE CONTROLLERS DO FOR US? FOR CONTROLLERS HAVE GIVEN US A WAY TO PLAY MARIO KART, AND STAR FOX, AND EVEN WING COMMANDER, ALTHOUGH THAT'S MORE OF A JOYSTICK THING! I LOVE YOU, CONTROLLERS! AND I'M SORRY I LET SMALL KIDS DROP YOU!
OK, where we? Oh yeah. So we finally get done after these kids as well as this game have formed the combination to hell and sapped me of all my powers. We all go back to her house and pass out. Or try to. Then her brother comes out and starts swinging around a lightsaber and stuff, trying to get me to fight him. GAH! Look. You are not a Jedi, and if you were I would have already cut off all your limbs, because if these were real lightsabers, I would have hit you in every area possible, so how are you still swinging a lightsaber? OK, whatever. So he's still hyper, maybe we shouldn't have given him the cookie. Everyone gets up, and it's time for a hayride at... some place with hay.
"They're staring at each other!" Yes... yes we are, kid... and perhaps you should be glad, because- "they're just looking into each other's eyes!" the ONLY THING keeping me from snapping is the fact that she's around. So the last thing I need is some John Madden wannabe giving me the play-by-play on my life. Because you know, I think the only two people who care if I'm looking at your sister are- "They're just looking at each other!"
"He seems annoyed, I wonder why?"
That last quote was something I made up. But it's close enough. Sigh. So on the way home from this hayride, he falls asleep on my shoulder. I lean over a little for some reason, he does too, now I can't go into an upright position because he's leaning on me, so I just stay there and get this crick in my back because I can't move and I'm in an unnatural position...
I'm just too lazy to care anymore at this point, because anyone under the age of 10 obviously has it in for me today. So I give up and reach for my cell phone to just dial the chiropractor...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mailbag Thursday
Thursdays I'm generally not feeling angry enough to be overtly Samcastic. At least, I can't stay angry at one topic too long. Except for at my mail. My readers aren't quite as dumb as the general public, but only by a small margin. Today I only have one letter here, probably because the rest of you misspelled my email as something dumb like, you silly twits.
So today's mail comes from KylerMartyn, and only because she owed said email to a guy known as the Oracle. Without further ado:
Regarding Samcasm...hmm...what am I supposed to say regarding it?
1) It's a website.
2) It's partially named after you, both the URL and the title of the blog.
3) It's funny. Sometimes. Sometimes it just sounds angry. :P
4) It makes me laugh, which then causes one or more of my family members to wander over and ask me what I'm laughing at. How come they're never around except for when it's inconvenient or annoying? :P
Why yes, Kyler, very, VERY observant. This IS a website! Actually, it's a smaller division of a larger website, if you want to get technical. That would be strike one, guess what I do if we hit three?
Named after me? Yes... yes it is... very brilliant. I think you might have a point here because the blog's title is Samcasm, and as for the URL... wait... the URL is "" currently. Let me get out my ID here... Sam Shrum. Sam... Shrum... nothing matches with duchy, or taco, or blog, or spot. My address does have an o in it, so that's something for the .com end of things, but regardless, you fail. Strike two!
Funny sometimes? Funny SOMEtimes? Maybe you just don't get it the rest of the time, anger is practically the same as funny, although sometimes it's somebody else's anger and it doesn't become funny until I mock it. That's strike three, but we'll keep going...
As for you laughing, very good, and those family members? They're ALWAYS around when NOBODY wants them around. Personally I recommend hijacking the city's tornado alarm and getting everyone to run to the basement. Then when they're in there, push a couch in front of the door that leads down there! Nyahahahahahaha! I have peace and quiet every day I want it!
So, my first fan mail, and you got three strikes against you. As for what we're going to do for punishment, we're going to have some self-inflicted justice that runs on the honor system. Spin around in a circle 100 times, then run in a straight line towards the road. Hurry now, and don't bother looking for cars!
Email me at and I'll mock your idiocy mercilessly, too.
So today's mail comes from KylerMartyn, and only because she owed said email to a guy known as the Oracle. Without further ado:
Regarding Samcasm...hmm...what am I supposed to say regarding it?
1) It's a website.
2) It's partially named after you, both the URL and the title of the blog.
3) It's funny. Sometimes. Sometimes it just sounds angry. :P
4) It makes me laugh, which then causes one or more of my family members to wander over and ask me what I'm laughing at. How come they're never around except for when it's inconvenient or annoying? :P
Why yes, Kyler, very, VERY observant. This IS a website! Actually, it's a smaller division of a larger website, if you want to get technical. That would be strike one, guess what I do if we hit three?
Named after me? Yes... yes it is... very brilliant. I think you might have a point here because the blog's title is Samcasm, and as for the URL... wait... the URL is "" currently. Let me get out my ID here... Sam Shrum. Sam... Shrum... nothing matches with duchy, or taco, or blog, or spot. My address does have an o in it, so that's something for the .com end of things, but regardless, you fail. Strike two!
Funny sometimes? Funny SOMEtimes? Maybe you just don't get it the rest of the time, anger is practically the same as funny, although sometimes it's somebody else's anger and it doesn't become funny until I mock it. That's strike three, but we'll keep going...
As for you laughing, very good, and those family members? They're ALWAYS around when NOBODY wants them around. Personally I recommend hijacking the city's tornado alarm and getting everyone to run to the basement. Then when they're in there, push a couch in front of the door that leads down there! Nyahahahahahaha! I have peace and quiet every day I want it!
So, my first fan mail, and you got three strikes against you. As for what we're going to do for punishment, we're going to have some self-inflicted justice that runs on the honor system. Spin around in a circle 100 times, then run in a straight line towards the road. Hurry now, and don't bother looking for cars!
Email me at and I'll mock your idiocy mercilessly, too.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Review: ASCII Sector
I always figured the only reason I'd ever come on here would be to complain, but I figure if I can review something that's awesome in a Samcastic way, that can count too, right? Anyway, I've found what's quite possibly one of the best games to kill a few minutes with... or an hour or two: Privateer: ASCII Sector.
ASCII Sector is awesome for lots of reasons. One, it's a remake of a game from one of my ffavorite game series ever, Wing Commander. In Wing Commander, and in the original Privateer, you'd go around in a space ship and shoot things, usually these cat alien guys. ALIENS THAT ARE CATS. I think we can all agree that having a furry biped that walks around SHREDDING PEOPLE TO PIECES with their claws is just AWESOME, and ASCII Sector has that too (although they usually prefer to just shoot you).
Second, you can do pretty much whatever you want. My first time around, I ran some odd jobs for people in my piece of crap freighter, delivering messages like "Your baby is red" for low amounts of money. Then eventually I got a fighter and started shooting people to death! That got a little boring, but mainly because it just wasn't mean enough. So I started another save file and practiced firing with a rifle. I landed on a space station and shot everyone, one by one, taking all their money and lifting off again. What was my punishment? About 30 days of not being allowed to come back, and a criminal record with about 10 murders or so. (And I still wasn't a wanted man, except on that base.)
So then I landed on a planet, and tried killing everyone there, but five police officers and some angry civilians shot me dead. So I got bored, reloaded and tried injecting some random stuff into myself- stuff I'd found on one of the bodies from the last base. Suddenly I was moving TWICE AS FAST AS ANYONE ELSE! So I holed myself up in a building and started shooting people again. A police officer with a kevlar vest and a helmet came to try and shoot me and I shot him in the arm twice, making him drop his pistol. I did this to a bunch more people and before I knew it every last single person on this planet is dead, and I can take ALL of their stuff. So I stole all of their money and weapons and put it on my ship, and ASCII Sector let me do it for being so awesome.
On that day I discovered something- doing drugs really does give you a benefit, and crime not only pays, it pays extremely well. For my several dozen counts of murder, my only punishment was a huge load of fines and being banned for 255 days from that planet. So in a year, I could come back and repeat the whole process! Man, am I awesome or what? Of course I'm awesome, and so too is ASCII Sector for letting me do this.
Oh, you know what else makes this game so awesome? The graphics! Check them out:
Those of you who went to the link are now saying things like "But we've had better graphics since the 80s!" No, idiot, modern graphics are what's WRONG with gaming, not what's great about it. When I play ASCII Sector, I have no choice but to use my imagination to fill in the blanks. ASCII Sector's graphics and what happens within are as awesome as your imagination. Sure, in Halo you can see some blood, you can witness the body go flying, but in ASCII Sector I'm doing backflips while shooting people between the eyes with my rifle, and then break dancing before I pop off a shot into your leg, as far as you can tell. And since I'm awesome, you know that's exactly what I'm doing. Depending on your intrepretation, making a guy's arm useless could mean it's too injured to hold a weapon, or you can picture someone losing their entire arm due to three simple shots with a rifle. I don't think I need to tell you what's going on when I play this game.
Bottom line, if you play games at all, you have no excuse not to try this game, because it's free, and it's awesome. Download it, you lazy bum.
ASCII Sector is awesome for lots of reasons. One, it's a remake of a game from one of my ffavorite game series ever, Wing Commander. In Wing Commander, and in the original Privateer, you'd go around in a space ship and shoot things, usually these cat alien guys. ALIENS THAT ARE CATS. I think we can all agree that having a furry biped that walks around SHREDDING PEOPLE TO PIECES with their claws is just AWESOME, and ASCII Sector has that too (although they usually prefer to just shoot you).
Second, you can do pretty much whatever you want. My first time around, I ran some odd jobs for people in my piece of crap freighter, delivering messages like "Your baby is red" for low amounts of money. Then eventually I got a fighter and started shooting people to death! That got a little boring, but mainly because it just wasn't mean enough. So I started another save file and practiced firing with a rifle. I landed on a space station and shot everyone, one by one, taking all their money and lifting off again. What was my punishment? About 30 days of not being allowed to come back, and a criminal record with about 10 murders or so. (And I still wasn't a wanted man, except on that base.)
So then I landed on a planet, and tried killing everyone there, but five police officers and some angry civilians shot me dead. So I got bored, reloaded and tried injecting some random stuff into myself- stuff I'd found on one of the bodies from the last base. Suddenly I was moving TWICE AS FAST AS ANYONE ELSE! So I holed myself up in a building and started shooting people again. A police officer with a kevlar vest and a helmet came to try and shoot me and I shot him in the arm twice, making him drop his pistol. I did this to a bunch more people and before I knew it every last single person on this planet is dead, and I can take ALL of their stuff. So I stole all of their money and weapons and put it on my ship, and ASCII Sector let me do it for being so awesome.
On that day I discovered something- doing drugs really does give you a benefit, and crime not only pays, it pays extremely well. For my several dozen counts of murder, my only punishment was a huge load of fines and being banned for 255 days from that planet. So in a year, I could come back and repeat the whole process! Man, am I awesome or what? Of course I'm awesome, and so too is ASCII Sector for letting me do this.
Oh, you know what else makes this game so awesome? The graphics! Check them out:
Those of you who went to the link are now saying things like "But we've had better graphics since the 80s!" No, idiot, modern graphics are what's WRONG with gaming, not what's great about it. When I play ASCII Sector, I have no choice but to use my imagination to fill in the blanks. ASCII Sector's graphics and what happens within are as awesome as your imagination. Sure, in Halo you can see some blood, you can witness the body go flying, but in ASCII Sector I'm doing backflips while shooting people between the eyes with my rifle, and then break dancing before I pop off a shot into your leg, as far as you can tell. And since I'm awesome, you know that's exactly what I'm doing. Depending on your intrepretation, making a guy's arm useless could mean it's too injured to hold a weapon, or you can picture someone losing their entire arm due to three simple shots with a rifle. I don't think I need to tell you what's going on when I play this game.
Bottom line, if you play games at all, you have no excuse not to try this game, because it's free, and it's awesome. Download it, you lazy bum.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Business Dress is a conspiracy
Have you ever wondered what the deal was with how you have to dress for business? Seems pretty ridiculous to me. I'm perfectly comfortable in blue jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. I think most of you are too. I do my best work when I'm comfortable. Therefore, it should be in a company's best interest to have me dress that way, right? My best work = more money for you. This isn't a hard equation. Instead, this is what I'll probably wear when I get to a cubicle:
-Pants: I already wear black pants with a black belt. I've gotten used to them, but they aren't overly comfy.
-Shoes: Black shoes. NOT designed for comfort or fast movement, ARE they? Thus, impractical compared to my tennis shoes. (I already wear these, too.)
-Shirt: Something with a collar. Pricier than a T-shirt, and I'm not wearing it around the house if it gets messed up. Not comfy enough. (Later this will be button-down, for now it's just collared.)
-Jacket: Only on certain occasions, hopefully.
-THE TIE. I don't wear one now, but enough said.
Women can figure on similar restrictions, but not that tie. Still, does this system sound like something guys would have wanted? Maybe a few guys dressed this way on their own when this started, but they were probably people with bad fashion sense (for the time!) who just so happened to have power. No, it had to be women who started us on this path. Every lady loves a sharp dressed man, right? But what in the world is it that defined this as we went into it? Most of the stuff I wear at Staples isn't counted as being dressed up. What am I missing?
The tie. The little thing that takes the longest to get on, that constricts blood flow to your brain and makes it harder to think... really, what in the world was the PURPOSE of this? I've thought long and hard on this and realized: women's business dress is getting closer to men's in many aspects.... pants instead of skirts, for instance. However, their tops STILL are not designed to accomodate the tie, and none of them wear it. They all say that guys look so good in ties... but if ties are so great, why can't any woman outside of a punk rock show be found wearing one? I'll tell you why:
Stop facepalming, stop giving the monitors quizzical looks, and guys, stop laughing. (Girls can keep on laughing, given that if they aren't in on this now, they will be soon.) Women don't wear ties, men do. Get in a fight with someone? Grab them by the tie and you can hold them in place. Ties form handy leashes, or at least handles, and so on. I can think of a thousand uses for abusing someone wearing a tie, but the one that stands out is that IT'S A PRE-TIED NOOSE. Just grab the tie that's already around someone's neck and tie it to the ceiling fan and you'll asphyxiate them!
Now, notice that all of the important men in the world, CEOS, politicians, RIGHT DOWN TO THE PRESIDENT, are wearing ties. And think- who are most CEOs secretaries? Some chick who the CEO found to be hot! (For a politician, it's an intern. Ask Bill Clinton about that one.) All of our important men have agents of the enemy standing right there, waiting to throw the killswitch known as the tie. The only place they haven't succeeded at in some fashion is the Middle East, and you'd better believe the women there have incentive to get a foothold in this action. I figure once the Middle Easterners succumb to dumb fashion sense, it's all over- the women will string up all the men you once thought mattered and take over. I can only hope they'll do such a good job that I won't need to actually work because they'll be more efficient and solve all our problems. Maybe if world leaders weren't wearing ties, they could solve things, since blood would be flowing to their brains.
My girlfriend thinks I "look good" in a tie, by the way. This is the stuff that keeps me up at night.
-Pants: I already wear black pants with a black belt. I've gotten used to them, but they aren't overly comfy.
-Shoes: Black shoes. NOT designed for comfort or fast movement, ARE they? Thus, impractical compared to my tennis shoes. (I already wear these, too.)
-Shirt: Something with a collar. Pricier than a T-shirt, and I'm not wearing it around the house if it gets messed up. Not comfy enough. (Later this will be button-down, for now it's just collared.)
-Jacket: Only on certain occasions, hopefully.
-THE TIE. I don't wear one now, but enough said.
Women can figure on similar restrictions, but not that tie. Still, does this system sound like something guys would have wanted? Maybe a few guys dressed this way on their own when this started, but they were probably people with bad fashion sense (for the time!) who just so happened to have power. No, it had to be women who started us on this path. Every lady loves a sharp dressed man, right? But what in the world is it that defined this as we went into it? Most of the stuff I wear at Staples isn't counted as being dressed up. What am I missing?
The tie. The little thing that takes the longest to get on, that constricts blood flow to your brain and makes it harder to think... really, what in the world was the PURPOSE of this? I've thought long and hard on this and realized: women's business dress is getting closer to men's in many aspects.... pants instead of skirts, for instance. However, their tops STILL are not designed to accomodate the tie, and none of them wear it. They all say that guys look so good in ties... but if ties are so great, why can't any woman outside of a punk rock show be found wearing one? I'll tell you why:
Stop facepalming, stop giving the monitors quizzical looks, and guys, stop laughing. (Girls can keep on laughing, given that if they aren't in on this now, they will be soon.) Women don't wear ties, men do. Get in a fight with someone? Grab them by the tie and you can hold them in place. Ties form handy leashes, or at least handles, and so on. I can think of a thousand uses for abusing someone wearing a tie, but the one that stands out is that IT'S A PRE-TIED NOOSE. Just grab the tie that's already around someone's neck and tie it to the ceiling fan and you'll asphyxiate them!
Now, notice that all of the important men in the world, CEOS, politicians, RIGHT DOWN TO THE PRESIDENT, are wearing ties. And think- who are most CEOs secretaries? Some chick who the CEO found to be hot! (For a politician, it's an intern. Ask Bill Clinton about that one.) All of our important men have agents of the enemy standing right there, waiting to throw the killswitch known as the tie. The only place they haven't succeeded at in some fashion is the Middle East, and you'd better believe the women there have incentive to get a foothold in this action. I figure once the Middle Easterners succumb to dumb fashion sense, it's all over- the women will string up all the men you once thought mattered and take over. I can only hope they'll do such a good job that I won't need to actually work because they'll be more efficient and solve all our problems. Maybe if world leaders weren't wearing ties, they could solve things, since blood would be flowing to their brains.
My girlfriend thinks I "look good" in a tie, by the way. This is the stuff that keeps me up at night.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Quit arguing like a moron
It seems like everyone who has an opinion these days needs to express it somehow. This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that they have stupid opinions, and they're absolutely terrible at communicating them. It wouldn't be bad if they were so dumb and bad at communicating that all they were doing was painting, or doing something else I can ignore. Unfortunately, our educational system has gotten everyone to the point where they can not only talk, but even read and write, meaning that even when I lock myself in my house for a week and have no outside communication but the internet, they're even expressing their opinions there. Ugh.
So going out in public isn't an option anymore, at least not for long, because idiots are there. And now that everyone is on the internet, I can't just stay in my house until the pizza place closes and I need to find a new one to deliver. Well, I could, but eventually I go online to order a new game... and I get tempted to see what people are discussing these days... and then before I know it, I've absorbed a bunch of idiocy again.
Even bad opinions aren't really the problem. Everyone has bad opinions- I have them, you have them, EVERYONE has at least ten dumb opinions that they're either holding on to stubbornly or at least haven't fully thought through. After a proper debate and careful critical thought, though, reasonable people will either change their bad opinions to match reality, or at least have some carefully considered reasons backing up their bad opinions. Sometimes that's the best you can do, like in a political discussion, where ALL the ideas are either bad or never going to happen.
Idiots, though, not only have bad opinions, they have bad arguments. No, not even just bad arguments- those follow from bad opinions, after all. They have bad methods of arguing. Just last week someone posted on Facebook about how great their playlist was when they hit shuffle. What was so great about it? The songs that showed up involved the Jonas Brothers and some Disney chick. Just buying or downloading those songs was a bad decision, and if someone put them on my computer when I wasn't looking I'd give them a nice big funeral pyre. (Both the computer, AND the person). Actually liking that music is a bad opinion, obviously. So, in the same way that you'd tell 5 year old Timmy that 2+2 = 4, not 22, I told them that their taste in music was awful and that they needed to hit shuffle again, but not before deleting all of their awful music. (Hint: Take a magnet to your hard drive and start over.) One of their friends (also not the brightest of people) decided to chime in and say how great the playlist was, and I told her that her opinion was a bad one, too.
By now you're wondering if anyone bothered responding to me, or if they just stood around yapping about how they loved the latest episode of the I have no talent but I'm riding on daddy's fame show. Actually, they did all turn at once to stop my horrible meanness with this one magical phrase:
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Yeah, well, apparently everyone but me!

My statement on the matter was essentially this, for those of you need help putting together the pieces I've given you so far: Your opinion is awful, anyone can see it, and if you were smart you wouldn't have it. I'll admit elements of that was wrong- they would have had a different opinion if they had musical taste, not just intelligence. Still, this was my opinion. You know, that thing I'm entitled to? Yeah, that's right, what you just said basically meant that I have a right to mock you. Maybe what you meant to say was more like "I know my music is awful, stop mocking it and every other idiotic thing I hold dear because it makes me look stupid :(!!!1!", right?
I'm just not even sure what's left to do with these people. The Disney fans were bad enough- you can't argue based off good logic or good taste, and apparently the city council doesn't appreciate it if you tie them up and leave them by the curb on trash day. At least that stuff is theoretically subjective- not once have I met a really smart, non-ditzy person who liked it, but hey, totally subjective! But then you get people who have bad opinions on things that are based in facts; people who don't believe that long jail terms or the death penalty for repeat offenders reduce crime. Hey, here's a fact for you: repeat offender criminals who are either in jail or dead aren't committing crimes! Get rid of your so-called statistics and other math-based arguments, because what I'm giving you here is based off of the simple physics of the fact that no one is two places at once (or alive while they're dead, zombies excepted). There, I've just demonstrated why your opinion is a bad one- if you argue for your bad opinion, it'll be with a bad argument.
Other opinions that are bad ones based off of facts:
-Global Warming as a man-made phenomenon that will doom us all!
-The President (past, current, future) is part of a conspiracy to open a portal to hell in the middle of the country!
-The government should take over... well, ANY industry, business, or abandoned field! (If the government was a business it'd be the one that operates offshore because it's being actively hunted by every military in the world just for bad business practices)
-I like McDonald's!
I'm sure you can figure out more on your own. Send your idiot stories to and I just might give it the Samcasm treatment, even if that means explaining YOU were the idiot.
So going out in public isn't an option anymore, at least not for long, because idiots are there. And now that everyone is on the internet, I can't just stay in my house until the pizza place closes and I need to find a new one to deliver. Well, I could, but eventually I go online to order a new game... and I get tempted to see what people are discussing these days... and then before I know it, I've absorbed a bunch of idiocy again.
Even bad opinions aren't really the problem. Everyone has bad opinions- I have them, you have them, EVERYONE has at least ten dumb opinions that they're either holding on to stubbornly or at least haven't fully thought through. After a proper debate and careful critical thought, though, reasonable people will either change their bad opinions to match reality, or at least have some carefully considered reasons backing up their bad opinions. Sometimes that's the best you can do, like in a political discussion, where ALL the ideas are either bad or never going to happen.
Idiots, though, not only have bad opinions, they have bad arguments. No, not even just bad arguments- those follow from bad opinions, after all. They have bad methods of arguing. Just last week someone posted on Facebook about how great their playlist was when they hit shuffle. What was so great about it? The songs that showed up involved the Jonas Brothers and some Disney chick. Just buying or downloading those songs was a bad decision, and if someone put them on my computer when I wasn't looking I'd give them a nice big funeral pyre. (Both the computer, AND the person). Actually liking that music is a bad opinion, obviously. So, in the same way that you'd tell 5 year old Timmy that 2+2 = 4, not 22, I told them that their taste in music was awful and that they needed to hit shuffle again, but not before deleting all of their awful music. (Hint: Take a magnet to your hard drive and start over.) One of their friends (also not the brightest of people) decided to chime in and say how great the playlist was, and I told her that her opinion was a bad one, too.
By now you're wondering if anyone bothered responding to me, or if they just stood around yapping about how they loved the latest episode of the I have no talent but I'm riding on daddy's fame show. Actually, they did all turn at once to stop my horrible meanness with this one magical phrase:
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Yeah, well, apparently everyone but me!

My statement on the matter was essentially this, for those of you need help putting together the pieces I've given you so far: Your opinion is awful, anyone can see it, and if you were smart you wouldn't have it. I'll admit elements of that was wrong- they would have had a different opinion if they had musical taste, not just intelligence. Still, this was my opinion. You know, that thing I'm entitled to? Yeah, that's right, what you just said basically meant that I have a right to mock you. Maybe what you meant to say was more like "I know my music is awful, stop mocking it and every other idiotic thing I hold dear because it makes me look stupid :(!!!1!", right?
I'm just not even sure what's left to do with these people. The Disney fans were bad enough- you can't argue based off good logic or good taste, and apparently the city council doesn't appreciate it if you tie them up and leave them by the curb on trash day. At least that stuff is theoretically subjective- not once have I met a really smart, non-ditzy person who liked it, but hey, totally subjective! But then you get people who have bad opinions on things that are based in facts; people who don't believe that long jail terms or the death penalty for repeat offenders reduce crime. Hey, here's a fact for you: repeat offender criminals who are either in jail or dead aren't committing crimes! Get rid of your so-called statistics and other math-based arguments, because what I'm giving you here is based off of the simple physics of the fact that no one is two places at once (or alive while they're dead, zombies excepted). There, I've just demonstrated why your opinion is a bad one- if you argue for your bad opinion, it'll be with a bad argument.
Other opinions that are bad ones based off of facts:
-Global Warming as a man-made phenomenon that will doom us all!
-The President (past, current, future) is part of a conspiracy to open a portal to hell in the middle of the country!
-The government should take over... well, ANY industry, business, or abandoned field! (If the government was a business it'd be the one that operates offshore because it's being actively hunted by every military in the world just for bad business practices)
-I like McDonald's!
I'm sure you can figure out more on your own. Send your idiot stories to and I just might give it the Samcasm treatment, even if that means explaining YOU were the idiot.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Profess thy idiocy. NOW.
I swear, it's like some of my professors are employed for the sole purpose of annoying the living crap out of us. It's not what they assign, it's not what they cover in class. It's THEM! Let's talk about my Computer Science 2 professor, he's an idiot.
No, really. He's gotten marginally smarter since the class started... wait, that's a lie. Just last week I had to correct him on something. I have no idea how he got tenured, but I suspect it was around the time when he actually knew how to program. Since then he's forgotten what the first line is in 90% of these programs, dropped semicolons where the students don't.... for those of you who don't program, let me sum this up in terms you'd understand: THIS GUY SHOULDN'T BE TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES, LET ALONE COLLEGE. Arrrgh.
Last week a kid was having a bug of some sort. He tells the guy to bring it up and hook it up to the projector to see what was going on. (Translated: Hey, maybe the students will fix this, I sure as heck can't. Yeah, well, we could, if you'd listen to us!) I already knew the gist of what was wrong before he went up, and the minute I saw his program, I knew exactly what to fix. "Do this" I say. "Wait, he shouldn't need to, because this is a specific version of that!" the professor says. It's bad for your grades to say "You. Are. A. MORON!", apparently, so this time I stuck with "No, it's NOT, it's what I'm saying it is." Cue the student himself saying the professor isn't right, but not knowing what to fix anymore because I'm being contradicted 10 times a minute! Why am I even taking this class?! I could be teaching it!
I mean, most of us make a point of ignoring him in class at this point. We actually get dumber if we pay attention. Read the book, understand the concept, and then forget what you're supposed to do because his explanation sucks. Wait, I'm sorry. I got that wrong. His explanation sucks, he does it wrong the first 4 times, and by the 5th time you're confused. This guy is a hazard. Just today he gave us an open-note quiz, but not "open-neighbor". Then he had us take the thing on our laptops, with wireless capability. I'm not saying people cheated- I sure didn't, because obviously I don't need any help with this class- but come on. At least PRETEND you care. Then again, only the idiots would think of going on chat to try and cheat, and they're all too dumb to help each other.
You, the idiots that didn't turn in any homework and had no idea what to do as a result. I'm talking about you, knowing full well that one of you will read this eventually. No offense.... OK, I'm lying, here at Samcasm I don't care who I offend. STUPID MOVE! If this weren't a rant about the prof I'd tear you to shreds too! Homework is 40% of the grade for the class and you're not even pretending to try, morons.
Back on the subject of ignoring him, there's only one time I paid attention on purpose in the last month, and that was for our caffeine drinking game. That's right, this guy is so bad we ended out making up a drinking game- around caffeinated beverages- just for him. Take one when he makes a mistake, five for an ambiguous assignment, and so forth... I think if you inspire a drinking game of any kind you should take a serious look at what you're doing. (Caffeine and not alcohol because let's face it, if you take a metabolic poison as a recreational drug in the first place, you're an idiot. If you do it in a class, I'm going to convince you to jump out the window because you're the kind of idiot I'm sick of dealing with.) Let's just say that by the end of class, I was ridiculously hyper and I had to take a trip to the bathroom.
I was also going to write about our new substitute that'll be around for 2 weeks, at least, but this is long enough already and he just got in here. So I'll probably write ANOTHER "professor is dumb" rant after that.
I swear I'd stop showing up if we weren't being counted for attendance.
No, really. He's gotten marginally smarter since the class started... wait, that's a lie. Just last week I had to correct him on something. I have no idea how he got tenured, but I suspect it was around the time when he actually knew how to program. Since then he's forgotten what the first line is in 90% of these programs, dropped semicolons where the students don't.... for those of you who don't program, let me sum this up in terms you'd understand: THIS GUY SHOULDN'T BE TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES, LET ALONE COLLEGE. Arrrgh.
Last week a kid was having a bug of some sort. He tells the guy to bring it up and hook it up to the projector to see what was going on. (Translated: Hey, maybe the students will fix this, I sure as heck can't. Yeah, well, we could, if you'd listen to us!) I already knew the gist of what was wrong before he went up, and the minute I saw his program, I knew exactly what to fix. "Do this" I say. "Wait, he shouldn't need to, because this is a specific version of that!" the professor says. It's bad for your grades to say "You. Are. A. MORON!", apparently, so this time I stuck with "No, it's NOT, it's what I'm saying it is." Cue the student himself saying the professor isn't right, but not knowing what to fix anymore because I'm being contradicted 10 times a minute! Why am I even taking this class?! I could be teaching it!
I mean, most of us make a point of ignoring him in class at this point. We actually get dumber if we pay attention. Read the book, understand the concept, and then forget what you're supposed to do because his explanation sucks. Wait, I'm sorry. I got that wrong. His explanation sucks, he does it wrong the first 4 times, and by the 5th time you're confused. This guy is a hazard. Just today he gave us an open-note quiz, but not "open-neighbor". Then he had us take the thing on our laptops, with wireless capability. I'm not saying people cheated- I sure didn't, because obviously I don't need any help with this class- but come on. At least PRETEND you care. Then again, only the idiots would think of going on chat to try and cheat, and they're all too dumb to help each other.
You, the idiots that didn't turn in any homework and had no idea what to do as a result. I'm talking about you, knowing full well that one of you will read this eventually. No offense.... OK, I'm lying, here at Samcasm I don't care who I offend. STUPID MOVE! If this weren't a rant about the prof I'd tear you to shreds too! Homework is 40% of the grade for the class and you're not even pretending to try, morons.
Back on the subject of ignoring him, there's only one time I paid attention on purpose in the last month, and that was for our caffeine drinking game. That's right, this guy is so bad we ended out making up a drinking game- around caffeinated beverages- just for him. Take one when he makes a mistake, five for an ambiguous assignment, and so forth... I think if you inspire a drinking game of any kind you should take a serious look at what you're doing. (Caffeine and not alcohol because let's face it, if you take a metabolic poison as a recreational drug in the first place, you're an idiot. If you do it in a class, I'm going to convince you to jump out the window because you're the kind of idiot I'm sick of dealing with.) Let's just say that by the end of class, I was ridiculously hyper and I had to take a trip to the bathroom.
I was also going to write about our new substitute that'll be around for 2 weeks, at least, but this is long enough already and he just got in here. So I'll probably write ANOTHER "professor is dumb" rant after that.
I swear I'd stop showing up if we weren't being counted for attendance.
The first post
Welcome to Samcasm. This is the place where I post about things that bother me, where I sarcastically rip into things that annoy me or are just stupid, and where you apparently go when bored.
Email me at with your own stupid opinions, stupid feedback to a post I made, or something else you think is cool (but is actually stupid- trust me, everything you have to say falls under this category) and you just might make it into a mailbag post, where I rip apart more stupidity... but this time, from my viewers. (I'd say fans, but let's be realistic- I only have one of those and she's getting the most samcastic responses of them all.)
It's 12:47 AM and I'm tired. Go away.
Email me at with your own stupid opinions, stupid feedback to a post I made, or something else you think is cool (but is actually stupid- trust me, everything you have to say falls under this category) and you just might make it into a mailbag post, where I rip apart more stupidity... but this time, from my viewers. (I'd say fans, but let's be realistic- I only have one of those and she's getting the most samcastic responses of them all.)
It's 12:47 AM and I'm tired. Go away.
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